Monday, March 14, 2016

BHL @ code{4}Lib

Greetings, all; I had the great good fortune last week to attend and present at code{4}lib 2016 in Philadelphia.  This was my first c4l conference and it was awesome! Good people, inspiring presentations, and incredible location (the Liberty Bell was just a hop, skip and a jump away!).

I gave a very brief overview of our ArchivesSpace-Archivematica-DSpace Workflow Integration project—if you'd like to hear me speak a mile-a-minute (especially at the end!), please check out this video from the conference livestream:

As the video is kind of grainy, here are the slides themselves:

I'd like to expand upon what's 'On Deck' for us (especially since I ran out of time at the conference), but will save that for another day...  Thanks for stopping by!